The presence of influenza can be dangerous for everyone. But it is more risky for people with diabetes or other chronic health problems. In general, every person with diabetes should be vaccinated against influenza every year. Talk to your doctor about a flu shot. Flu shots do not provide 100% protection, but they make it much harder for you to catch the flu for 6 months. For added security, it is a good idea for people you live or spend much time to get a flu shot, too. You are less likely to get influenza if the people around you do not. The best time to get vaccinated against influenza begins in September. Shot takes about two weeks to take effect. If you have a cold or other respiratory problems, wait until you are healthy again before your flu. And do not get a flu shot if you are allergic to eggs. Cover your nose and mouth with a tissue when you cough or sneeze. Throw the tissue in the trash. Wash your hands often with soap and water, especially after you cough or sneeze. Alcohol-based hand cleaners are also effective. Avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth. The infection is transmitted in this way. Try to avoid close contact with sick people. If you are sick, stay home from work or school and limit contact with others to avoid infecting them. Talk to your doctor now about how to contact him or her quickly on the phone, if you think you have influenza. Symptoms of influenza may include:
some people may have vomiting and diarrhea. People can become infected with influenza, including the 2009 H1N1flu and have respiratory symptoms without fever. People with diabetes are almost three times more likely to die from influenza and pneumonia. However, only one third strattera cost of them never get a simple, safe pneumonia shot. Pneumonia shot recommended for those aged 2 years and older who, because of chronic health problems (eg diabetes) and age, is more likely to die from pneumonia and. Pneumonia shot can protect you from other infections caused by the same bacteria. About 10 000 people die annually due to these bacterial infections. Pneumonia shot, however, can help protect you from getting these diseases. Indeed, it is about 60% effective in preventing the most serious pneumonia, meningitis, bacteremia and death. You can get a pneumonia shot at any time during the year. For most people one shot is enough protection for life. People under 65 who have chronic diseases or compromised immune systems should ask your doctor about getting another shot 5-10 years after the first. For more information, please visit:
![2 types of bacteria 2 types of bacteria](
- only access to U.S. Government swine, avian and pandemic flu information
- American Lung Association working mainly with the CDC, influenza summit and Immunization Action Coalition on drafting a comprehensive database of clinics offering flu shot. To find a clinic near you, click on the link above and enter your zip code. .
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